Reviewed/Sealed: Arbitrator Label (PC)

I like playing tactical games. Always. However, the problem of turn based tactics has been greatly pushed to the mobile game camp. This is because everything based on fillets can be easily operated through time gates, energy levels and all other stupid rubbish that developers use to make money. There are also people who ask for things that become more difficult. What’s the use of the money? I’m glad to tell you that the game I played recently does not belong to this camp. It isFell Seal: arbitrator labelYou know what? Good ah.

The last tactical game I really put intoXCOM 2goodXCOMandUFOSo it’s easy to play new games. If you play this series or similar games, you will know what the style of this type is. You basically know the story after going through a series of increasingly difficult battles. Your success depends not only on planning step by step in all tasks, but also on planning ahead. To succeed, many things you need to do depend on how you equip your troops to fight and master their skills.

All these games are very difficult. This is a smart AI competitor type, so knowing that a competitor is as thick as two short boards, it is impossible to break a barrier, and death is not a good idea. Losing a team member is usually punished in one way or another. on the insideXCOMIf you do something stupid, you will face the ultimate punishment. That is, the marines you carefully built not only die a little, but also disappear forever.Fell Seal: arbitrator labelBe tolerant. Party members will be injured here. Taking them to war is not something you want to do on a whim. They won’t try their best to make your whole job more difficult.

although it is thin chess, it is more colorful and has rich movements.

As for the type of tactics, there is no unit that can play continuously. You find yourself caring about your role. Because you can’t always juggle out of thin air. In this case, the cost of a new arbitrator is very high, and you can only play so much gold. In addition to the general lack of resources(no one has unlimited funds), you are still making sticks for your sponsors. Buying new characters is good, but you have to start from scratch. This means paying more attention to what you have and doing your best to take care of yourself. Before buying a role, you can upgrade it in the guild, but it will become very expensive soon, so saving is reasonable.

The above defamation is very important. Because everything I just saidFell sealIn addition, your role is fluid, making things more interesting. This is not to buy a mage, but to buy a mage. This is to buy a guide and adjust them to suit your game style. As the course learns new things with experience and roles, new courses can be used. for instance. I originally had two soldiers in my team. One is my main role, so it becomes a dual career of driver/label. Each of these classes obviously has its own technology tree and is very different. The other driver is now a driver/template driver, so they are all tanks with useful protection capabilities, but there is a big technical gap. This is an innovative game for everyone in your team.

If you are familiar with the guild, you will always be here.

I really like itFell sealThis is not just to give you all the information at the beginning. This is really a good thing. Because if you do, you will be completely submerged in information. This game has a lot of micro management, giving lessons to each class from the beginning. When they have different functions, play differently, and have different devices, it will become a migraine waiting to happen. So… let’s take the Mender(header) class as an example. The second level can learn the skills of magicians. Class IV has a new occupation as an infectious disease doctor. Each course is unfolded in a different way and can be unlocked while walking, which really helps speed up. And it’s interesting to see what you can find next.

Like the gold and equipment I just mentioned, I think it’s appropriate to talk about the store system. You have your guild and shops in the city. Your guild is where you buy new colleagues. If possible, I suggest that there should be at least two classes in each class. Not from the beginning, but obviously it takes time. As I said, you can level gold for them from scratch and customize their appearance. It is fully customized, interesting, not too deep, and allows unique parties. We don’t want people who customize characters within three hours to have a stroke every time they buy a new character. The shop is obviously where you buy equipment. The balance of gold is very important. Every new employee should be equipped with appropriate equipment, which has a price to pay. Just like all RPGs need better equipment costs and more arbiters, they should be more intelligent in handling things.

If you can manage the army, why do you have a team?

The figure above shows a small unit. I’ve been complaining about taking care of your troops. You will not use them in all tasks, but other teams will generate different ability combinations, so you will hope that they are in good fighting condition. The injury system means that reserves are needed to replace substitutes. Injuries and diseases are also emerging one after another. If you use one unit, they cannot be cured. If they die many times, they will suffer multiple injuries, which means that it is best to give them air between missions. The other is to change the game style and force them to try different combinations. This is a very interesting way to play.

Give you a very simple overview of the story. Seven adventurers let a great evil(always a great evil) rest in peace. If time moves forward, these seven people will become immortals. Their good deeds have given them unnatural power, so they are basically gods of human skin. The immortals were placed under the guardianship of the world, but they could not be everywhere, so they set up an arbitrator to take care of things for them.

The arbitrators are judges, juries and murderers. There is no higher law than them, but they do not ensure that everything is safe. This leaves problems. Arbitration organizations are increasingly open to corruption. Because they do not need to be responsible for anyone, as long as they are responsible for the immortal committee, they can get rid of murder.

This is RPG, so the story is all.

On the other hand, the leader of the arbitrator you play has good morals. When he sees a murder case, he will intervene. The murderer was a despicable nobleman named Alphonse. He is a despicable nobleman. He believed that he was above the law, above all uneducated people like him. Worse, he became onelabel▲ In the end, the immortal people basically decided to resign, because they had been doing this for a long time.

All other members of the BoardlabelThe man must go on a pilgrimage to prove his worth. During this journey, they can only touch other signs. This means that your arbiters can’t find the murderer at first. This does not prevent you from pursuing him or becoming your own symbol in the end. The story begins here. There are also many plots, which are well written. Alphonse is very annoying, but he is a puppet. It’s about finding out who’s behind it.

You’ll want to get used to it. If necessary, you can go back and play the card.

When you know what you are doing, this topic is relatively easy to control. In fact, you use a game board. This makes navigation and movement easier. very nice. The angle of the camera is not that big. When I haven’t found the way to roam on the map or there is no free roaming, but I can’t see everything you face, you will be very grateful. The ability to rotate maps is also useful. When the enemy stands behind you, you can never see them. Although when you plan, it is not a big problem, but a little painful.

I know I’m writing.XCOMAs shown in the previous example, but frankly, the look and feel of the titleShining powerOne of my favorite games in the Megadrive era. The 16 person look they are pursuing reminds people of the good memories of playing that game. It is very suitable for this style and gives me a thumbs up. It sounds good. As you all know, so far I don’t attach importance to music, so I never really added music to it. As I said before, if it doesn’t torture me, it is to do it. I’m happy about it.

Maps are as changeable as your enemies.

This is my favorite game. I always prefer a round based strategy rather than a real-time strategy. Because I like one minute to think. I’ve never played tactical games. If you like chess or somethingFell Seal: arbitrator labelhave a try. Apart from quite limited tutorials and some strange mechanics, there is really nothing to complain about. This is a game that requires a lot of spiritual strength and strategic thinking. If you like to be quick and angry, this may not be your game. This is an RPG, so for those who do not want to read and talk a lot, they may miss it. I enjoy myself. It takes time to finish this game. I know I always use this as a yardstick, but I think it’s important. I want to continue playing with this simple fact. This means victory in my book. It’s definitely worth a try for the strategy and RPG enthusiasts among you.

  • 7/10Appearance and Feeling – 7/10
  • 8/10Story-8/10
  • 9/10Challenge – 9/10
  • 7/10Repeatability – 7/10
