A Complete List Of All Dog Pocket Monsters

Dog is man’s best friend, so there are naturally many dogs in the Pokemon universe. The Pokemon on this list are all dogs. Or at least they all have the characteristics of dogs. Because there is no better place, we threw the fox pocket monster. Because the fox is very close to the dog. They just belong to the canine family!

Check out the Pokemon comprehensive list to find out what’s best for you. In fact, some dogs are fierce competitors, while others are useless fluff fragments on your Pokedex. Wise choice!

All Dog Pokemon: Category Description

generationAll games and new Pokemon will be released for several generations. All the dog pocket monsters on our list are marked as the first generation of him. All Pokemon can be used across multiple generations after their debut, but they may not be captured in the wild in these games. The following game versions are available for each generation:

  • First generation: red(green), blue, yellow(R/B/Y)
  • Second generation: gold, silver, crystal(G/S/C)
  • Third generation: ruby, sapphire, emerald, ruby red, yellow green(RU/SA/E/FR/LG)
  • 4th generation: diamond, pearl, platinum, heart gold, soul silver(D/P/Pl/HG/SS)
  • Generation 5: black, white, black 2, white 2(Bl/W/B2/W2)
  • Generation 6: Pokemon X and Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire(X/Y/OR/AS)
  • 7th generation: Sun, Moon, Early Sun, Early Moon(Su/M/US/UM)
  • 8th generation: sword, shield(SW/SH)

Obtainable: This bullet points out how to obtain each Pokemon in most cases. Pokemon can be traded between each generation after its appearance, so it can be assumed that the Pokemon can be obtained through a transaction existing in the version. Other methods include:

  • Captured: These Pokemon can be captured by Pokemon Ball in the wild.
  • Evolution: These Pokemon evolved into other forms by upgrading. If we need to meet special requirements to develop, we will pay attention.
  • Single state capture: These Pokemon are marked as NPC elves on the map. After interacting with them, you will enter the battle and only have one chance to capture it in Pok é ball.
  • Gift: These Pokemon can be received as prizes or NPC gifts as long as they meet the given conditions.
  • Special events: These Pokemon must participate in official events approved by Nintendo/GameMonster to obtain(except for transactions).

All unique cases of obtaining a particular Pokemon will be described in more detail.

Custom dog

  • # 59
  • Type: Fire
  • Create: 1
  • Winner: Capture and evolve from Growlite(fossil)

The original “legendary pocket monster” was not a legendary dog in technology, and it was not used for many purposes in the competition. The legendary dog Akanin evolved from Gloucester. Although it has solid basic data and powerful firepower action suits, it is a good single player game choice in the early version due to lack of diversity, but it is hardly used in the championship. Growlite can also be used more than Arcide depending on the competition form.


  • # 836
  • Type: Electrical
  • 8th generation
  • Author: Capture

Bolton is indeed the most puppy in the world. In fact, Bolton is simply called “the dog pocket monster”. Bolton seems to lack this simple explanation because he knows he is closer to collectors than competitors. The basic data is poor and the action set is shallow. Competitors, stay away!

Number of thunder falling

  • # 309
  • Type: Electrical
  • 3rd generation
  • Winner: Capture, Poke Pelago Gift(Ultra Moon)

although the basic stage of “Lightning Pok é mon” Electric has its own solid techniques, it is mainly limited to electric shock and ordinary attacks. The competitors of this small cup are not very competitive, but in singles competitions, this is a good supplement to the lack of power in the initial lineup.


  • # 676
  • Type: General
  • 6th generation
  • Author: Capture

although Furrou, known as the “Poodle Pokemon”, has medium basic attributes, it also has relatively weak ordinary types of actions, which will not cause too much damage. Furfrou is a pocket monster that will never go out of style. This means that there are few games in the game, and the use in single player games is limited.

Bluish yellow

  • # 210
  • Type: Sprite
  • Create: 2
  • Winner: Evolution from Snuble

although it may not be obvious from the outside, the fire is called “Pokemon”. Grumble strikes with powerful attack attributes, but other basic attributes are very weak. There was indeed strong darkness and normal Liuheng movements in his swimming pool, but no wonder only the fairy Liuheng attacked several times. Grumble is one of the two choices of competitive games in every generation, so he grabbed the puppy Pokedex, finished Pokedex, and then put it away.


  • # 58
  • Type: Fire
  • Create: 1
  • Author: Capture

“Dog Pokemon” Growlite is a kind of solid property dog of Pokemon at the basic stage, which is resistant to fire, grass, ice, insects, steel and elves. Growlite also provides a variety of Pokemon attack action suits for shooting, fighting, ordinary and dark types, which can be a good partner in one hand games with suitable competitors in small cup games.


  • # 507
  • Type: General
  • 5th generation
  • Winner: evolved from villain and captured(black/white+B2/W2)

The “loyal dog pocket monster” Heldi language is the first stage of the evolution of Lilliput. It uses a combination of intimidation and sand attack to weaken the enemy’s attack attribute and improve its speed. Haidi’s basic data is very poor, but it makes up for its shortcomings with normal actions.

Nevertheless, the mobile type and low data limited by Hedi become the touch selection of the game. If Herdier is used in a single, it is better to level the score quickly in order to evolve into a powerful Stoke Paradise. Unfortunately, Hedir has no type advantage, but still has weaknesses in fighting and the Phantom Pokemon.


  • # 229
  • Type: Dark/Fire
  • Create: 2
  • Acquirer: evolved from hunting dog

The “dark pocket monster” Hountoom can use the lightning ability to improve the flame movement, and can resist the sleep effect due to the initial new ability. It has good attack data, but is vulnerable to heavy damage due to low vitality and low defense, and is at a disadvantage against water, combat, ground, and rock Pokemon.

Houndoom is a poor competition option that rarely appears in the championship battlefield. But Houndoom’s depth and dark mobile suit may help balance the single lineup, which means that this rare pocket monster is still worth replacing.


  • # 228
  • Type: Dark/Fire
  • Create: 2
  • Author: Capture

The pocket monster at the bottom of the guest room is also called the “black pocket monster”, and its appearance is similar to that of the guard dog. It can be seen from the bad data and fragile mobile pool that Game break hastily planned this dark pocket monster to show its uselessness in the competition.

Hound looks cool, but it may be tricky in the second generation and other versions, and it won’t add too many lineups in the single player game. First of all, you will suffer a lot of damage when moving. If the Pokemon in front cannot be defeated, the hound will be driven out of the battlefield soon.

Lilliputian country

  • # 506
  • Type: General
  • 5th generation
  • Winner: beginner(black/white+B2/W2), Capture

So far, the fifth generation of the most lovely novice dog is the “dog pocket monster” villain. But cute is not like a fighting competitor. The base value of the troll is very poor. Although his physical attack value is similar to some of the first stage evolution. If not affected, the Lilliputians can learn powerful moves such as falling and Giga Impact before level 50, but most players choose to quickly evolve into Hediya.

Lillipup is rarely used in Little Cup, so there are few strategic suggestions. The best way is to quickly evolve small monsters, input pocket monsters and deeper special action sets, surround them, and establish a balanced team at the beginning of the game.


  • # 448
  • Type: Battle/Steel
  • Generation 4
  • Winner: Riolu evolution, mastered Tali(X/Y), captured(day/month+US/UM)

Lucario, the “halo pocket monster”, can improve the speed when retreating in Steadfast. Inner Focus has a strange combination to prevent retreating. But no matter what ability your Lucario has, it won’t be of much use. Because even in frequently used attacks, retreat is relatively rare.

Lucario punched with powerful physical attacks such as meteor smasher and bone spur. Although there are various mobile pools, including combat, steel, ordinary, dragon and spirit attacks, and solid basic data, unfortunately, there are too many powerful competitors that can replace Lucario and become rarely used in the championship. But in the single player game, Lucario is actually indispensable.


  • # 745
  • Type: Rock
  • Metamorphosis: midnight form, midnight form, dusk form
  • 7th generation
  • Author: Capture

The “wolf pocket monster” Lycannroc has three forms, depending on its influence on Solgalo, Lunala or special Rockruf. Lycanroc has strong attack power and speed, but because of its low atk/def characteristics, it is rarely used for competitive combat. However, in the single player game, Lycannroc’s powerful rock action provides a good complement to your lineup.

Ricanloc has advantages against ordinary, flying, poisonous and fire Pokemon, but performs poorly against water, grass, combat and ground Pokemon. Although its unique ability makes it an attractive arrest, Ricanloc doesn’t seem so strong, which may hinder your progress in the late stage of the game.


  • # 310
  • Type: Electrical
  • 3rd generation
  • Winner: Evolution from Electrike, Capture

Like its basic stages, Electric and Manelectric, the “discharge pocket monster” is a dog with insufficient basic data and small type advantage, so it is rare in the competition. Manelectric is one of the Pokemon. It can find itself catching Pokedex, but in the lineup, it will provide the dog with a pass.

Manelectric has a limited attack pool, mainly electric shock, in which some common types of movements are mixed. Unfortunately, not only does it not have much attack power, but also its HP is low. When facing enemies with high attack data, it can quickly retreat.

Big Wolf Dog

  • # 262
  • Type: Dark
  • 3rd generation
  • Acquirer: Evolve from Poocheena and capture

My Tea, the “pocket biting monster”, first appeared in the third generation in the form of the evolution of Gapuchina. Unfortunately, like many pocket monsters of cats and dogs, Mightyena has not further evolved, and its basic data is also very weak, so it can not emerge in the battle.

Mightyena sees a gradual decline in competitive use across generations. Its mobile pool has many areas to be improved. It has few power attacks and almost no combined use, which may become a bad choice for most of the lineups. This is also true in single player games. Like Manelectric, it will help Pokedex capture Mightyena and save it permanently.


  • # 827
  • Type: Dark
  • 8th generation
  • Author: Capture

The “Fox Pok é mon” Nickett has a lovely and cool aesthetic, becoming an interesting collection of “swords and shields”. It made a good fist with dark technique. Although on the whole, its technique is rather superficial. The basic data is also weak, reducing the efficiency of the mobile pool and becoming a bad choice for small cup competitions.

If there is no Nickit(or its evolutionary form, Thievul) in the single player game lineup, it will also stumble when fighting against battles, bugs, and goblins. Therefore, its own theme has no advantage, so the service is not good. Find Nickit and build Pokedex, but don’t try to include it in the main loop.


  • # 38
  • Type: Fire
  • Variant: Alolan Nineties(ice/fairy) – Vulpix(ice stone) evolution
  • Create: 1
  • Winner: Evolve from Vulpix(Fire Stone),

Ninetallks is really the first generation of “fox pocket monster”, which has updated the Alolan variety and endowed it with ice and snow like charm. Although the lower HP/atk/def data is supplemented with higher sp. defense and speed, the default data is medium.

In the 1990s, there were many kinds of mobile nails, which were composed of ordinary, flame, ghost and spiritual attacks. However, in general, there was almost no battlefield in the game. In single player games, Nineadles is more useful. It has powerful firepower attack in stadium battles such as Celadon City and Veridian City.


  • # 261
  • Type: Dark
  • 3rd generation
  • Winner: Capture, Breed Mightyena

Poocheena is the third generation of dark dogs. If Mightyena’s comments are not enough to illustrate this point, it will not play a significant role in the competition. Its basic data is quite low, and the mobile pool is full of state effect attacks, which can’t fight with other people in your lineup very well and cause little damage to your enemies. Before you learn to fall at level 40, you will start to cause too much damage. Most trainers will evolve.

Evolve Poocheena as soon as possible and put it next to the stadium. It doesn’t provide enough advantages to get a foothold in your main roller skating.


  • # 447
  • Type: Battle
  • Generation 4
  • Winner: Capture, Iron Island gift(diamond/pearl)

“Emanation Pok é mon” Leo was a dog introduced to Lucario as a basic stage in the fourth generation, but he failed to gain a firm foothold not only in the game but also in the single player game. Riolu’s fragile basic data learned some damage handling actions at the initial stage, but before it evolved to Lucario, it was very fragile when faced with moderately challenging enemies without any attack.

although Riolu is not a puppy Pokemon, it is closer to the Pokemon dog than any other kind of animal. In order to complete the pocket monster to pick up the lovely collection. Once caught, you may forget to catch a person.


  • # 744
  • Type: Rock
  • Sudden change: Own Tempo Rockruf(super sun/moon)
  • 7th generation
  • Author: Capture

The 7th generation dog pocket monster Rockruf has good basic attack and speed data from the beginning, but it should be noted that the special attack/defense data is low. According to how rock music develops, it can become three different forms of Ricano.

Rockruf has provided decent film shooting venues including classic films such as Duo, Dialysis and Bite, but the level is relatively low. It is not the most common competitor in small cup competitions, but you can sometimes see its ability. Because it will bring real harm. If you can find a good Rockruf in a single player game, you will want a good Rockruf to help the stadium battles and story events in the middle of the game.


  • # 492
  • Type: lawn(land form), lawn/flying(sky form)
  • Generation 4
  • Acquired by: Single state capture

The mysterious Gouheming has the best basic data of Pokemon at any basic stage of the game, with 100 points from the beginning. But in the competition scene, you will soon find that Xiaoming in land form is actually unavailable, while Xiaoming in sky form is a super competitor in many championship lineups.

Xie Ming’s powerful lawn attack was very accurate and caused a lot of damage. Although particularly powerful for water, combat, and other grass bag monsters, be careful about the shape of the ice. Because the shape of ice will cause up to 4 times the basic damage to the grass/flying form of the mission.


  • # 773
  • Type: General
  • 7th generation
  • Acquired by: evolution type: null

Silverly itself has impressive basic data and unique ability to convert to different types of Pokemon according to the items it owns. It sounds like an impressive feat, but it’s not very useful in the game. According to the form of Silbari, this Pokemon is included in other NU or PU lists. Only that Pokemon form can watch any important game(although it is still a “rarely used” Pokemon).

In fact, Bali has a mobile pool, which can do powerful physical damage with almost perfect accuracy, can carry out powerful ordinary attacks, and can learn from a large number of TMs and TRs. However, it does not provide much damage to state effects. This may not be the best choice for the competition, but Silvari is a strong ally of your hunger strike.


  • # 235
  • Type: General
  • Create: 2
  • Author: Capture

The funny French dog “painter pocket monster” Smerg has terrible physics and special attack data, but the unique sketch action makes these data redundant. Smeargle is the only Pokemon that can use this method in any generation. It copies the last method used by the enemy, and Smeargle can use it himself.

Therefore, smearing is a common choice in diamond and pearl competitions. Although it became less effective in the competition later. Smeargle is really a weirdo in the Pokemon universe. Like Ditto, almost everything can move in the sun. In a single player game, you can’t miss the chance to play with Smeargle.


  • # 209
  • Type: Sprite
  • Create: 2
  • Winner: Capture, Poke Pelago Gift(Super Sun/Moon)

In the first Pok é mon movie, the Pok é mon Snoopy, who appeared for the first time in the second generation of video games, is not like a fairy dog. This Pok é mon dog has a series of normal dark type damage attacks(although it has the title of fairy), which is very suitable for quickly attacking opponents with high HP.

Its first stage of evolution is funny. Although it is not widely known for its competitive use, raising Snubles in single player games can help the game to be played in cities in the middle of the game when combined with multiple lineups.


  • # 508
  • Type: General
  • 5th generation
  • Winner: evolved from Herdier and captured(black/white+B2/W2)

Strand is the final form of Lilliput and Hedir. As the fifth generation Pok é mon, there is an impressive puppy. But you may not be surprised that Stockland did not claim in the competitive battle as he did in his youth. Sterland is an unpopular place, which means that it is widely considered as a useless thing not worth joining the team in any form of competition.

This dog’s physical attack will cause considerable damage. Although his basic attack attributes are advanced, his low HP and special attack attributes reduce his practicability. It has no type advantage, but struggles in combat and battle with the Wraith type.


  • # 828
  • Type: Dark
  • 8th generation
  • Winner: Evolve from Nickit, Capture

The final form of Nickit, the fox pocket monster Thievul, appeared on the “pocket monster shield and sword” for the first time. Sadly, it was useless in battle. Attack, special attack and vitality are weak, but they rely on these data to execute damage attack.

If the lineup needs some dark type damage, Thievul is available occasionally. But in addition to specific requirements, we suggest you capture Thievul and put it in the repository to populate Pokedex.


  • # 037
  • Type: Fire
  • Deformation: Alolan Volpix(ice type)
  • Create: 1
  • Author: Capture

Wolpix is the first generation of fox pocket monster, which has always appeared on R/B/Y, showing impressive fancy movements. With the help of classic attacks such as spinning and recent techniques such as fiery, Fire Pixar can easily break through the types of lawn and ice to strike hard.

When it comes to small cups, Vulpix is a little limited, but it is a good companion for early single player game travel. Especially because you can learn ghost type attacks before level 20. Volpi can use fossils to evolve into Ninedoles, and Alolan deformation can use ice stone to evolve.


  • # 835
  • Type: Electrical
  • 8th generation
  • Author: Capture

The Pok é mon shield and sword introduced us to Yamper. This is the basic stage of the dog pocket monster. Later, it evolved into Boltund If you remember reading the above article about Bolton, unfortunately, you will remember that the Pokemon is almost useless in the game.

Capture Yamper and upgrade it to Pokedex, but don’t expect it to be helpful in stand-alone games. There are too many excellent electric Pokemon to choose from. This poor dog will waste your lineup space.


  • # 888
  • Type: Legend: Crown Sword Fairy/Steel, Hero in Multiple Battles Fairy
  • 8th generation
  • Acquired by: Single state capture

The legendary Pok é mon Zacian is a super competitor in both forms and can only be captured in the “Pok é mon Sword”. Both versions have the same basic data and mobile pool, which means that the steel type added in the deformation of the Crown Sword is the main difference in this fierce legend.


  • # 889
  • Type: Legend: Crown Shield – Battle/Steel, Hero in Multiple Battles – Battle
  • 8th generation
  • Acquired by: Single state capture

Zamazita is the main legend of Pok é mon shield. Like Zacian, the form also has action sets and statistics. The main difference is that it has the second type(steel) crown shield variant. Jamagenta is also a super pocket monster in the competition. There are many matches in the championship lineup.

Of course, these two legendary Pokemon dogs are necessities for completing single person tasks, so when you meet a dog on the top of the tower, you must be prepared to do your best.


  • # 571
  • Type: Dark
  • 5th generation
  • Winner: evolved from Zorua and captured

The Fantasy Fox Pokemon Zoroark appeared before the 6th generation. Although it does not provide many damage handling capabilities, its basic attributes are quite powerful. Especially special attacks.

In your single player game, Jolok is a good supplement, which can bring darkness and mental damage to your roller skating, but you can’t see it in the arena.


  • # 570
  • Type: Dark
  • 5th generation
  • Winner: gift(black/white), capture, breeding Zoroarak

The basic stage of Joloch is the more lovely but still fierce sly fox pocket monster, Joya. The main problem with Zorua is that it will not learn useful or powerful methods before Level 40. However, it is likely to evolve from level 30 to Zoroarak.

Grab a Zora to finish Pokedex, but whether you are playing a single player game or preparing for the game, don’t care about fighting.

City of India

What kind of pet dog is best for your team? Growl? proletariat? Well, maybe not Furrou. Whatever you choose, it all depends on what games you are playing and what you want them to enter the competitive arena.

Be sure to review our recommendations for the most competitive Pokemon, and remember that tournaments are not all. To complete your Pokedex, you must catch them and go hunting!

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