All Bat Pokemon [Complete List]

Each area of the Pokemon series has many caves. Generally speaking, the bat like pocket monster will become one of the most common caves. Bats use ultrasound waves that bounce off walls to help them move around, so it’s no surprise that these bat shaped pocket monsters always appear in dark caves. This article will introduce all the bat pocket monsters in the order of the game listing.

When people think of the bat pocket monster, they usually think of Jubat. Because he was the first person to bring 150 Pok é mon to the scene. Now, as long as you start the Pokemon adventure, you can choose all kinds of bat Pokemon.

Today, we will review these options to see which one is best for you.

Ultrasonic bat

  • #41
  • First generation: red(green), blue, yellow(R/B/Y)

Jubat is a famous bat introduced by the first generation. The Pokemon Go is also one of the more common Pokemon, with a capture rate of 50%. The first generation Pok é dex project said to Zubat: “Colonies will always be formed in dark places. Zubat, blue bat pocket monsters, ultrasonic recognition and approaching targets.”

Big Mouth Bat

  • #42
  • First generation: red(green), blue, yellow(R/B/Y)

Golbar, one of the most terrible pocket monsters around, is a huge creature in the shape of a blue bat. It has dark purple wing membranes, strong muscle support, and can produce sonic booms. Despite his stature and appearance, his eyes are very small and his pupils are cracked. It is suitable for watching small prey at night or in dark areas, but there are few others.

This bat pocket monster has the signature technique of “Poison Teeth”. It bites its opponent and uses poison to hurt him. Another one is called “Air Ace”. The golf ball stretches out its membrane to jump at the opponent and hit him hard.

Golf is a weak bat pocket monster, which is hardly used in the game, so keep away from it.

Forked bat

  • #169
  • Second generation: gold, silver, crystal(G/S/C)

Crobat is not only an independent pocket monster as a bat after the introduction of the second generation, but also included in the evolution chart of Jubat. Crocodiles glide in the sky, alternating between the upper and lower wings. Their powerful ears and full teeth make it easy to find prey in the distance.

In addition, Crobat also has unique actions, such as stealing berries from the other’s Pokemon. Crobat can also learn to make the other Pokemon suffer and reduce the defensive power. In addition, you can also use “Super Teeth” to strike your opponent with sharp teeth, causing additional damage equivalent to 1/2 of the enemy’s total HP.

A message?

  • #207
  • Second generation: gold, silver, crystal(G/S/C)

Gligar is a typical bat like pocket monster. He has two big teeth protruding from the upper jaw. People often see his face with a carefree expression. It seems to say, “I know.” Griga also has sharp ears. Triangular eyes, like most bats, have small pupils. The thin leg is treated as a spherical part at the ankle, ending with a claw. Griga’s tail is more unique. A scorpion like sting.

Gligar is the only Pokemon, because it has the ability of “super scissors”. Super scissors can protect Gligar from other Pokemon attacks and reduce attack attributes. This is a handy tool to counter Gligar’s low base attack attributes. It

You can also use interesting actions such as “steel wings” to help improve your defense ability and defend against other fierce attacks.


  • #472
  • 4th generation: diamond, pearl, platinum, heart gold, soul silver(D/P/Pl/HG/SS)

Gliscor is the evolutionary form of Gligar. It has a pair of huge blue wings on its arm. The poison needle on its tail is now larger and thinner, which can be used to dig for food or knock out prey in battle.

Griscoll can learn “Poisonous Teeth”, which is an interesting way to lead to poison. It can also use the “downwind” technique. G type manipulation can be added. But compared with other types of Pokemon Bagliosco, it has a lot of trouble. It can temporarily increase the speed, and it is easier to bring status conditions to the opponent.

Because Glyco is a ground/flying type, most bat Pokemon will not face the weakness against electric Pokemon.

Rolling bat

  • #527
  • Generation 5: black, white, black 2, white 2(Bl/W/B2/W2)

Wobat is a hairy bat pocket monster famous for its heart-shaped nose, which is used to leave traces on the cave walls where it sleeps. The pocket monster also uses its nose as an echo location device to reflect ultrasonic waves from objects, so that you can see more clearly. Wobat is a small furry animal. It may be small, but it’s shocking!

Wobat’s “energy accumulation” action can temporarily improve its attack power and special attack power, making it one of the more powerful bat pocket monsters. Two interesting skills Wobat can learn are Swift and Air Cutter. These two techniques are implemented with Wobat Eco. Air Cutter is a flying skill, but Swift is a common skill.

Heart bat

  • #528
  • Generation 5: black, white, black 2, white 2(Bl/W/B2/W2)

Swoobat is the evolutionary form of Wobat. It is a more elegant and mature bat pocket monster, with big wings, elegant fur, small ears, four sharp teeth sticking out of its mouth, and a ruby like an eye in the middle of its forehead.

Swoobat can use many unique techniques in combat, such as the powerful flame style technique “Heat Wave” that can damage all non flame pocket monsters. Swoobat can also obtain quite good attack and speed statistics, and can become one of the fastest pocket monsters with the “open” function.

Swoobat is an elusive pocket monster. They generally live in caves, but they are also observed to live in tree holes or other dark spaces. It can send out ultrasonic waves in the nose, which is powerful enough to shake the ground and destroy the concrete. In contrast, the sound wave of Swoobat’s tail is more gentle, and it will not have adverse effects on people or pocket monsters when listening at normal volume.


  • #714
  • Generation 6: X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire(X/Y/OR/AS)

Noibat is the pre evolution form of Noiven, the first bat magic baby of X and Y” It is a light purple bat that can use various unique methods, such as Dragon Vein and Air Cutter. Both methods are very powerful dragon methods. In the battle, it is likely to hurt all other Dragon Pok é mon.

Noveen can also get decent speed statistics, which can make him a very effective Pokemon and defeat the other’s speeding Pokemon. Noveen also has strong attack power and special attack power, making it a strong attack power with the advantage of accurate type.


  • #715
  • Generation 6: X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire(X/Y/OR/AS)

Noveen, also known as Dacron, is a grumpy sixth generation Batosaurus. But if you approach it with your favorite fruit, Noveen will become tame. This dragon’s ears can produce ultrasonic waves that can break large rocks, and it has excellent reconnaissance technology! It can see things without peripheral lighting, and is suitable for the blind or people with weak eyesight, so it is often used for dark adventure travel.

Noveen is a very powerful pocket monster, but compared with other early game bat pocket monsters, its shape before evolution is weak. But it became stronger after it evolved into a neural network. In addition, you can also use a unique technique like “Draco Meteor”, which is a very powerful dragon technique in “sword and shield”. It will hurt all other pocket monsters in the fight.


  • seven hundred and ninety-two
  • Generation 7: Pok é mon Sun, Pok é mon Moon, Super Sun, Super Moon(Su/M/US/UM)

“Pokemon Super Sun” and “Super Moon” almost missed the launch of the new Bat Pokemon. In the Super Sun Pokemon, Luna must be approached through trading. Luna is one of the legendary super moon pocket monsters, so she can only be seen once in the game.

In one of the latest works in the Pokemon series, Luna is a dual type of spirit/ghost legend Pokemon. Evolved from the universe and upgraded on the super sun or moon, players who do not trade with other players during the game can only encounter once” Luna, known as the “beast calling the moon”, has long been honored as the lion of Pokemon, the giant of this month from the Alora region. It would not be surprising if one day the light of the moon would bring a new evolutionary path for Pokemon.

Luna, one of the legendary Pokemon, is the only Pokemon that can use the “Moon’s bundle”. This is a powerful commanding action. Instead of “channeling,” Luna holds something bright pink. This will cause a lot of damage to all non new Pokemon in the battle, ignoring the “cannot be ignored” effect.

What’s the name of the bat pocket monster?

There are many bat pocket monsters, but the most famous one is Jubat. Jubat is not the only bat pocket monster.

Examples are Noctowl, Crobat, and Swoobat. There are many other bat Pokemon in the world of Pokemon, but they are often more rare than some more common species, such as Jobab.

How many bat pocket monsters are there?

The 8th generation has 10 bat pocket monsters. Luna is the only new bat pocket monster launched in the 7th generation of “Sun and Moon”.

What is the best bat pocket monster?

Luna, the only legendary bat, is considered by many to be the best bat spirit. But not always. Everyone has his own opinion on what is a good pocket monster.

Is Griga a bat?

Yes, Gligar is a bat like pocket monster that evolved from Gligar to Glisco when he got up with a razor at night.

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