Call Of Duty: Light Bulb Brings Freedom

One of the most conservative secrets in the recent game may be the recently released “Royal Battle” modeSummon Mission: Modern WarHowever, the game has been officially released. It seems that the expected model is not only a supplement to the game, but also a free game that can be downloaded by everyone on the Playstation 4, Xbox One or PC.Call of Duty:Modern WarfareOr not. Independent games, appropriate topicsCall of Duty: Light bulb, unless owned, PDT will be available at 12:00 p.m. on March 10Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Mobilized,The player can enter the new mode in advance at 8:00 a.m. of PDT on the same day.

Many players can sigh that another “annoying” game has entered the market. This market may have been oversaturated. Although the profit is highCall of Duty: Light bulbI hope to introduce interesting new features to keep the game fresh. The game provides two modes for players: the familiar “Battle Royal” mode and the new “Predation” mode, allowing 150 players to duel together. “Franc” In, players play in groups of three in order to get the most cash before the end of the game. Cash is to knock down the enemy, steal their income, or complete the contract in a new game to get cash. The contract goals that players want to achieve may vary greatly. Some teams need to open a series of supply boxes, while others may need to find their positions on the map.

This includes not only the new Predator mode, but also the interesting new attempt of the “Royal Battle” type. Because the standard “Royal Fields” model also has some tricks. The most famous is Gulag Prison. This is a separate prison district. Players are eliminated here for the first time. The eliminated players compete with each other in the 1v1 competition, and the winner is rewarded for fighting again to help his teammates. Players can also buy reallocation tokens in one of the many reallocation stations where their teams are scattered on the battlefield, and then obtain enough cash for reallocation. You can make money.

For the battlefield, if there is no huge and interesting map where players can fight, “Royal Battle” will be incomplete.Call of Duty: Light bulbHere, the players are covered by the infrastructure of more than 300 interested big cities. Players can take one of the many available vehicles, such as ATV, SUV, helicopter, and move quickly on the map.

Call of Duty DetailsCall of Duty: Light bulb, can be found here.