Check/Travis Attacks Again: No Longer A Hero (Conversion)

I should tell you first. I have never acted in “No Heroes”, nor in his sequel. The game and its main characters have admitted from the beginning that many players will join the series. In this case, I hope this book is written in consideration of new people. Playing games is definitely different. Because this is a much simpler game than its predecessors. But I still think I missed something when Travis attacked again. Nevertheless, I can find good ones in this topic, so let’s take a look at the derivative works of “No Heroes”.

The game is really simple. This is your typical hacker incident. There were special movements and enemies who had twists and turns. Travis can use two special attack types(R key activation) and one direction button mapped to the direction button(if Pro Controller and D-pad are used). This is particularly confusing when you need to enter a specific command at the same time as a specific movement. But you’ll soon fire the bad guys. Then there will be more. Games usually follow this pattern of repetition. Please don’t misunderstand. have fun. The game is solid enough. I sometimes like simple hacker games. There are also things that can break the monotony of jigsaw puzzles or racing games. But in general, the game can be interesting in a short time, but the defects of the core design prevent me from taking the time to complete it.

As I mentioned above, this is my first time to try this series. This game may be used by newcomers. However, if I played the original game, I would understand “Travis attacks again” better. Some returning characters have not been fully introduced, and the game lacks a basic explanation of the hero’s background story. In addition, all plays and dialogues are immersed in seven different levels of madness, which can be positive or negative. The coherent plot is not the purpose of the game, but if you don’t mind the plot, it can’t really make the game stand out.

I think I know now that stories and games are not suitable for me. But there is one aspect, “Travis attacks again” is excellent: visual effects. This game will attack your eyes with neon lights and strange designs. Each part of the game occurs in one game of multiple games, so there are several different visual styles. But anyway, it looks cool. This aesthetic seems to be very popular recently; long term viewers of my old program TVGB ViveStream will remember the following namesNeon lights for new vintage archesUse similar visual styles. But it has not been overused. The game has fully accepted it, making it its own unique style. As shown above, the above car sections are particularly cool; i just hope I can enjoy enough game experience to go deep into the game

Travis Strikes Again may not be the comeback that the fans want, nor can it attract a large number of new fans. But for newcomers, the game also has some charm. This concept is very interesting, and the gameplay is also very smooth. The crazy brand of Travis Strike Again must have audience. At least to understand what I mean, it’s worth watching the video. But for me, it’s not powerful enough.

  • 6/10Game-6/10
  • 8/10Graphics Card – 8/10
  • 3/10Story-3/10


Stand up for heroes.

+Handsome visual effect+Powerful gaming experience

-Repeat-Chaotic scene