Comments/Loguebook (PC)

I’m no stranger to magic” Richard Garfield, the founder of “Party”. Not long ago, I even interviewed an article of him on this website. I always want to see what he is doing. This is one of the reasons why I am attracted to Logbook, but the game is more meaningful than the name of the co creator. We always have the opportunity to comment on the people that hooligans like, but actually few people appear in our list and try to be different from the genre. To be exact, this may not be a revolution, but I like what Roguebook is doing. I want to see more similar games in the future.

Each “stage” of Roguebook is a page of a titular book. The role has only limited resources. It can find the grid space and enter the exit of the page. On the way, they collect goods, obtain new cards for their credit card team(I will introduce later), and fight with the enemy to obtain resources. Although it sounds less confusing, it is not easy. Some aspects of the game ring are better described than others and will not enter the practice stage. The first time I played, the first page was very difficult, so I had to start over. At the same time, fighting is like drawing cards added to a deck and creating a deck when used in various combat actions. The battle generally includes blocking and attacking. You should pay attention to which of your two characters is in front. This adds challenges. Once you get the hang of it, it will be interesting.

although the visual style of Roguebook is not worth writing, it is very attractive. The visual style of hand painting is always beautiful. In particular, you can’t complain about fantasy games. Although there are only four characters to play, they do have interesting designs. I like to use Sever, the devil werewolf; there is also the role of Sorocco, the big red frog fish tank. These cards are characterized by eye-catching character art, so making a pair of cards looks good and interesting. I can be sure how easy it is to appreciate the various symbols on the map and distinguish them.

In my comments, I always look at the same thing over and over again; i always start with new games and familiar games. But Roguebook is at least something I have never seen before, and should be praised for it. Build the game by combining strategy, RPG, hooligan and deck. Although it is not always a perfect combination, it is very interesting when combining. The complexity and the fact that it is difficult to publish on the game console can prevent it from becoming the success story of the next large-scale independent game. There will certainly be some obstacles. But if you like, everything here is very interesting.

This is on the book.
  • 8/10Total – 8/10



+Unique gaming experience

+Character design

-Steep learning curve