Love Letter To Open The World

Compared with any media, video games have a unique ability to truly attract us to another world. Books and movies are far from enough to show us a world completely different from our own, but they cannot be compared with the sense of involvement that video games give players through the agency and influence of the game itself.

Moreover, few games can bring players a free and profound world like open world games. If you are reading this article, I believe you have an idea of your favorite open world game. “Skyline, Red Death Rescue 2orWild BreathYou will have many memories of exploring and becoming familiar with the fascinating world. When you play, you will get used to its scenery and scenes, its rules and restrictions. Perhaps the most important thing is the people and power in it.

It is this familiarity that makes the open world so fascinating. Staying in Rodland for dozens of hours until you explore and understand every corner of the back of your hand is a very useful experience in itself. When we discover the world culture and politics, our minds are full of potential stories and upcoming conflicts. Immerse in Velen, Novograd and Skellige, and players can introduce us to a colorful character lineup. Each role has its own rich agenda, motivation and arc, which let us be familiar with and explore.

although there are dozens of great examples of the open world that we can observe and explore, before we can deeply understand the types of the open world and why they work so well, we must first understand how the open world works

What makes the open world work

As with all aspects of video games, there are many places in the open world where mistakes can occur. Although there are many examples, this article is not to criticize the failure of the entire industry, but to celebrate the open world, so I say this just to highlight the praises that should be received when successfully realizing the open world of games. So what does an open world need to accomplish to succeed?

First of all, the open world should let players immerse themselves in it. One of the greatest charms of the open world is that players can explore the world at will and survive in the environment. If the game world continues to fascinate players, no matter because of noise, small faults, lack of interest, etc., it will only cause harm to the game. If you explore the world freely, players should be more involved in the game. If the open world is just the opposite, it is difficult to provide more experience.

This is usually supported by interactive components, the second aspect of open world operations. Exploring an open world that barely affects the game or the actual game experience can quickly become tedious. This is especially about how to integrate the core game ring that interacts with the world and provides. If you can’t make a definite impact on the player’s progress, trading with merchants in Whiterun or removing Toby Camp from Velen may make you feel like a lyric. Of course, this is usually achieved through RPG mechanism and skill tree, but this is the subject of another love letter.

The success of the open world also depends on the characteristics and rules of the world, which is the third and last aspect we see here. These two aspects of the open world are probably the most critical. If a world has no solid identity or internal consistent rules for players to learn and develop in, the world will be imperfect or immature. The nature of a world is the difference between the world of high fantasy and hope in the mainland of China and the poor world of Westeros’ fantasy. Without a consistent and energetic character, the world will not be able to seize the time required for players to invest in the game.

These three aspects are combined through the work of talented artists and engineers, combining the artistic direction, assets, writing and almost all other parts of the game. But if you do well, the open world will soon pay off. I not only commend the four unshakeable methods for successfully opening the world, but also give one or two examples to illustrate the effect of each method.

A world fit for life

These games are good choices for all players who want to invest in the new world as much as possible. Invest, interact and focus on gamesSkylineandfableThis series provides a sense of immersion compared with real life. Let players build homesteads, affect the local economy, settle down with their wives, and do whatever others want.

This sense of involvement is also supported by world architecture, which is as natural and real as any other architecture. These games are based on dense and complex legends, highlighting the daily events that NPC experiences every day in the game. Players are allowed to hang up their adventure equipment, engage in ordinary work, talk with anyone they meet, or indulge in the world, which brings reliability and realism to these games and makes many other game worlds jealous.

But areas outside of prosperous cities are equally important. These games also need a well rendered world that runs within its own rules. Observing the rules that the world has set for itself will help to ensure that the swamp forest in the middle of Albion is full of werewolves is incredible, and help to ensure that countless dungeons are filled with dragoons and still lit with candles, which is not absurd in the land at the ends of the earth.

Such a world encourages exploration. Just as they perform auxiliary tasks, the world needs enough attractive landmarks and interesting scenery for players to continue to come back.

Book experience

Perhaps this is the most detailed and time-consuming method in the open world. Well planned experiences can provide a sense of reality different from other games. Few games have enough resources to try this open world, such asMage 3: Wild huntingandGrand Theft Hunter VIs a major example of its success.

This open world approach focuses on providing players with an interactive experience of sophisticated weaving and editing. Each task or task has a well written plot arc, which is satisfactory in itself. Even if it needs to introduce a mechanic who will never be used again. Each character is well thought out and deeply written. The world is made up of complex and unstable parts, and factions and political forces have been steadily reduced.

This is a very important method for details and quality. If there is no consistent quality level, the world will feel confused and unbalanced. What is more impressive is that these experiences need to be put into many unique work. Although each part of the game provides players with some areas that NPC cannot access or that are limited by the progress of characters or stories, Content development and in-depth rewards provide a fascinating experience that combines the best effects of an open world structure with more detailed stories and linear battle rhythms.


The list method of video games in the open world emphasizes the game aspect, rather than the negative impact. These games provide a variety of tasks, goals and collections, and can achieve significant results even at the expense of the depth of some competitors in the open world. Games, examplesElite: DangerandAssassin’s Creed: OdysseyThe boastful broadcast lasts for hundreds of hours, as if the former boasted endlessly.

These games are all about almost certain feedback circuits. No matter how similar the interaction is, it focuses on allowing players to constantly interact with the game and its world. This is a design that should get a lot of satisfactory returns when the unresolved carrot ends. It may be difficult for players to complete successfully after taking such a long time. But a good game promises both rewarding and rewarding experiences, and brings undeniable benefits. This is a game rarely comparable to the game.


These games are all about players’ performance and provide you with the tools to customize the world around you.My world, TraliaandastronautIt is all about players exploring the programmatically generated world to make it their own. Despite the moral dilemma formed by advanced terrain, these games provide unprecedented flexible rules. They regard what may be missing from the story content or the ingenious construction of the moment as an emergency story. It cannot be remedied. Only they can make commitments on this scale.

This game provides an experience that no other media can provide. The crazy control of players over this game world deserves to be celebrated. Thousands of Let’s Plays show building tutorials, world travel Quickly look for seemingly unlimited possibilities, and you can see the endless amazing feats players have made when they obtained tools to explore their creativity.

This way of opening the world also provides this kind of game with seemingly unlimited possibility, which is limited to one’s creativity and physique of the game. If people want an example, they just need to see it.MinecraftIts charm is as impressive as surpassing the age group and target audience. He advocates that this way of opening the world can be the purest of all games. This is just a small tool. Because it emphasizes the interaction between players and the world, leaving a deep sense of immersion, and the serious dependence on self-restraint rules, this game has a deep-rooted characteristics.

No matter you like the open world style, this type has great potential to provide a unique experience for players to experience and become familiar with the new world. Open world games have many things to love. Personally, they give me the best memories in the game, which is worth celebrating.