Review/Tank War: Tunisia 1943 (PC)

Tank War: Tunisia 1943This is the latest in a series of tank strategy games launched by Graviteam Factory, a Ukrainian game development company..The latest topic describes the actual historical conflict of the Eastern Front during World War II, and discusses the unknown battle between the Allies and the Axis forces in the Tunis campaign. With complex artificial intelligence, technically accurate damage mechanism and huge historical details, let’s see if this 75mm monster has achieved its goal.

Before I begin, I must admit that I am completely unfamiliar with military strategy, military history and military technical terminology. So I’m just assumingTank War: Tunisia 1943It seems to be a complicated realism, sometimes reviewing the game based on my experience as an RTS player. But as an occasional RTS player, I can tell you confidently. This is obvious.Tank War: Tunisia 1943Not suitable for timid or troublesome people.

I mean, for example, what?

The game is divided into two parts. On the one hand, it is a classic real-time battle, and on the other hand, it is a strategic “battle” mode, which eliminates gorgeous graphics and focuses on pure strategy. Most of me stick to electronics. Because I passed outandalthough anxious, I found it. As many other Steam reviews tell you, this game has an amazing steep learning curve. Of course, there are basic principles. Choose a unit and watch the game in a favorable position, knowing everything from top to bottom. But in addition, this is a terrible and complex game maze.

to this endTank War: Tunisia 1943This is a game designed with the core strategist as the center. Realism is not limited to historical accuracy. In addition to caring about fuel and ammunition reserves, you should also consider wind direction, potential terrain fluctuations, bad weather, where wireless cables are installed, visibility obstacles, and whether your troops are inspired by your friendship and usually pleasant leadership. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Now, I am hesitant about the prospect of undertaking so many responsibilities at the same time, but for those who like to manage Bemisi to individuals, this is your game.

Of course, realismTank War: Tunisia 1943It is the most terrible and cool. As you expected, the physical characteristics are extraordinary – the tank shell itself is affected by the environment to a greater extent than you can imagine. The damage function is also impeccable, always relying on a complex impact rating system rather than reliable health provisions. Of course, don’t forget AI. They have enough talent to scream in pain, run around or make use of non-existent bush covers when lighting a fire, but they can’t sail on the open ground at all and won’t twitch in confusion.

In fact, confusion is a constantly changing theme, which does not always appear in a humorous wayTank War: Tunisia 1943Unforgivable confusion:No comicsFonts andMicrosoft Word 2001Menu design without warning is a game designed and launched in 2017. Written instructions – this is anger. Even a huge developer like DICE is unavoidable. Very bad. Often grammar is unreasonable or useless. Unfortunately, using the menu icon of the real photos of World War II will only leave a growing impression on games inspired by the 10 year old historical project. I know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. But: UI design is certainly easy. So why relax?

Give you C++

Fortunately, more attention has been paid to unit design. All kinds of vehicles were real, and infantry and other soldiers were galloping around. Of course, animation is a bit cumbersome, but this is an RTS game. From the perspective of the battle in the cloud, the details are almost irrelevant. With clean additional functions, each tank, truck, soldier, fixed weapon and bullet has its own “wiki” page in the game, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the war. This is also a good way for Graviteam to show the unit design and the most beautiful UI in the game.

B-e Be careful

Trying to criticizeTank War: Tunisia 1943It is difficult to design from that angle. Like tactics, units and narratives, the game uses terrain information from all relevant regions in Tunisia to build an environment. This is a good idea with a sense of commitment. If you want realism, FPS style condensed stadium may not help, but hinder. But in terms of aesthetics and overall game charm, the realistic environment is a big blow. This is because about 80% of this environment is flat shrubland, and the remaining 20% belongs to occasional small settlements and building landmarks(to be fair, such landmarks are quite elegant). This is not only a bit annoying, but also shows the texture tiling caused by filling such a large area with more than one design. Although the landscape is full of shrubs and occasionally stacked boulders, the overall effect is not attractive.


Now, if it wasn’t for RTS games that explicitly required us to observe the entire battlefield from a distance, we would slide this slide. This clarifies everything I mentioned just now, and also has an unfortunate side effect, which is to reduce your unit to a droplet on the horizon; again, this is not a problem, but the size of the environment and the long-term style of tank collisions mean that you will reduce a lot. That is to say, in the third person perspective, there is a simple function to connect the camera to a unit, which really bringsTank War: Tunisia 1943Graphics for.

Tank War: Tunisia 1943This is an extreme game. Realism is meticulous and history is accurate; unfortunately, the UI design is very preliminary, graphical, good, at best very simplesenselessIn other words, the game accurately simulates the military conflict as the basis, so it is reliable. If you only pursue the horizontal barA hardcoreMilitary strategy simulator, don’t read it again. Otherwise, follow the soldiers.

This comment is based on a retail copy of the game provided by the publisher.

Tank War: Tunisia 1943
  • 6/10Game-6/10
  • 9/10Land-9/10
  • 2/10Design-2/10


A van

Tank War: Tunisia 1943This is undoubtedly a lesson of military strategy. However, many historical accuracy and technical details cannot completely hide the ordinary level of design, too messy and crude UI and the frightening learning curve. To see the best state of Graviteam, please see Mius Front’s tank war game. Equally real, but quite beautiful.