Reviewed/North: Enhanced (PS5)

Every hour, I will give up the violent and high action games I often play and play easier games, which makes me unable to use my brain excessively. There are not many such games in my collection, but I am glad to see that PS5 has been launched with similar games. Needless to say, when you have the opportunity to reviewNorthern Spirit: Enhanced EditionIt’s nice to see Merge Games provide it. Based on Nordic folktales and set in the beautiful suburbs of Iceland, it can become a third person adventure game of special games, but unfortunately it fails.

The story behindNorthern SpiritYou are a fox. Its task is to discover how the ancient and prosperous civilization suddenly disappeared. With the help of the Northern Lights guardians, the journey will be illuminated along the ominous scarlet path through the frozen tundra, snow covered glaciers, and rocky mountainsides, illuminating the ruins of the past. My problem is that this is all the information I learned from the game website, not from the game itself. The game starts to travel immediately, but it is not likely to tell the player why she/he should be interested. I finally had a full understanding of the situation around the start time of the game, but it would be great if the game could better convey the situation to you.

The game is quite simple. Of course, you can walk through Iceland’s various landscapes. If you need to move quickly across large areas, you can run, jump on a rock ledge or jump over obstacles. There are also environmental factors, such as geysers and ice slides, that you can use to continue your journey. The problem with jumping technology is that it is too floating. It is difficult to try to jump correctly. I once saw that the little fox hurt his paw and was confused. So you can only walk at the speed of a snail. This makes it look much longer than it actually is. I immediately withdrew from the experience.

The enigma of the environment is expected from these games, but it seems very creative and predictable. These simple things involve using geysers to reach areas or rock platforms that are difficult to jump, and these rock platforms shake at rock points, even where it is difficult to jump. You can pick up a stick from your mouth and put it next to various corpses you want to hit. This would free the souls of these ancient settlers and allow them to live in the afterlife. There is nothing else to do. Most of the time spent in the competition is spent on moving to the next region.

The visual effects in the game are actually the commanding heights of the whole game. The environment has changed a lot. I never felt that I spent too much time looking at the same things. On my 4K TV, the picture looks amazing. I can see every hair of a fox clearly, which impressed me deeply. Music is also something developers should be proud of. However, playing the same song repeatedly in the general sequence of the game may be boring after a period of time.

In general, although the premise of this game does have great potential, I don’t think it provides enough reason to prove the admission cost of this game. When I play the game, I think I don’t know what happened in the game. This is not fun at all. Moreover, many things that happen in the game seem to depend on your previous understanding of Nordic folklore. This game is suitable for adults who are looking for games that are easy to get young players or platinum. It does not attract you, nor does it attract you. With the increase of such games, you can only find better choices.

This comment is based on a copy of the game provided by the publisher.

  • 4/10Game-4/10
  • 2/10Design-2/10
  • 3/10Challenge – 3/10


Follow a mysterious hero through the ruins and find more information about the lost civilization.

+Iceland’s beautiful scenery.+Wonderful sound track and environment sound effect

-Bad jumping repairman.-There are many places to see you running.-Unexpected environmental problems.