Richard Garfield And Ken Jennings Interviewed Anti Real Banga

Not every day you have the opportunity to interview the creator of one of your favorite pastimes or the ultimate champion of trivia. So he accepted the invitation of Studio 71 and Richard interviewed Field(Magic: PartyThere are many other games) and Ken Jennings(Episode 74: “Danger!” Champion).

These two geniuses work with Studio 71Half true, half false, a fragmented desktop game that is currently looking for funds on Kickstarter. The project achieved its goal within a few hours and has been weak since then, but the movement continues. No, it’s not a video game, but this is not the first time that something slightly different has been reported on TV GB.

I take this great opportunity to ask the game directors about the game itself, how they cooperate, and what we will see from them in the future.

TVGB: Before you started this project together, were you familiar with each other’s work?

Richard Garfield: I only dealt with Ken from his achievements on the “edge of danger”. About ten years ago, I read his book Braniak. This makes me see the fun of trivia. His enthusiasm is contagious. I want to compete immediately to highlight the quality he said. I revised some of the designs for a while. A few years later, I contacted him to see if he wanted to be a partner in the game.

Ken Jennings: I am a dedicated member of my brother’s “Magic: Party”. This is a symbolic part of my generation’s geek culture. I remember that as a Seattle native, I was very proud that the Coast Wizards were local.

TVGB: How do the two work together?

RG: He said, “Yes.”

KJ: The first email Richard sent me was mine Danger! Life He not only said that he liked my book, but also said that it would help stimulate new game ideas… He wanted to know whether I could cooperate with him! Let Richard Garfield say that you want to help him compete. Great. Nick Fry is from the Avengers League. Just like I recruited you for the team.

TVGB: player experienceHalf true, half false?

RG: Half Truth is designed as a small game that is attractive and easy to access. Each question has 6 answers, 3 answers and 3 wrong answers. The player’s task is to find the correct answer. This structure gives players a chance(at least 50%) to gain some honor from the questions, but by eliminating the wrong answers, players’ chances will be greatly improved. When players are very sure that they know the second or third answer, they also feel the need to press the luck key or keep up. As such, the reward for “doing your best” may be different; but there are risks. Because the wrong answer makes you get nothing.

KJ: I think we’ve all played frustrating little games. Because they just remind you how many things you don’t know. “Half true and half false” is a rare little game that makes you feel smart.

TVGB: WhatHalf true, half falseWas it revealed most excitedly?

RG: The more we study this type of problem, the more interesting the problem we can do. I’m happy to share these questions with the players. I think there will be a lot of fun, performances and surprises during the game. My wife Connie’s question illustrates this. Her question was, “What are real mushrooms?” yes. From this list, I’m sure I’m an angel of destruction, but the rest are very cautious. Some look familiar, but I’m not sure they are mushrooms. After the answer was released, I found that all the mistakes were magic cards. So for example, the angel of death is correct, but there are also blind angels. This is a magic card. This makes players very excited, because even if they don’t know anything about mushrooms, it also gives them extra ways to “enter” the problem!

KJ: For me, small problems are the core of the game. I like playing good games(and very interesting!) “Do you know the answer or just want to guess?” I just want to sneak into people’s homes all over the country when they play with questions. ” Do you like that? I wrote that song. Are you satisfied”

TVGB: What is your future? When do you think you will cooperate again?

RG: As needed, we will continue to work for the truth and lies. Willing to cooperate with others. He works hard, smart and interesting. He is interested in almost everything. So I won’t be surprised if there are projects that we can reunite in the future.

KJ: Star Jokes, a comedy book, has just been published as a paperback. I have two comprehensive podcasts a week. But thanks to my understanding of “anti truth and anti fake” and Richard, I am closer to the game world now. We are already discussing the extension suite of Anti Truth Half Price, and there may also be an application version. My children don’t think everything I do is cool, but if I am on their mobile phone, I bet I can make them anti fake.

TVGB: Is this your first game design experience? So, what’s the most surprising thing about this project?

KJ: Game design is not my field, so Richard’s earnest attitude towards all details left me an endless impression. I never thought how difficult all design choices are. Because games should be competition, social activities and beautiful objects. How much do potato chips weigh? Can I stack them? If you throw them out, will they break the boards? Do you need felt? You don’t really believe that there will be so many details in a good game.

TVGB: Dr. Garfield is most famous for his creationMagic: Party▲ What impact does this experience have on your design styleHalf true, half false?

RG: I’m interested in all games. In fact, I wrote a book about the general content of the game “Characteristics of the game” with people. Each form of game has its own challenges. I think it’s interesting to explore. One of the challenges of “anti fake” is to make the game support my goal. That is to say, while making the game feel attractive to many players, don’t deprive the most important thing – the atmosphere of trivia itself.

TVGB: Do you have anything else to do with yourself?Half true, half falseDo you want our readers to know?

RG: One of the reasons for cooperating with Studio 71 and achieving this through kickstarter is that we believe that communities around these games can help us make games better. We hope to get a lot of suggestions on what people want to see in the future in the month after the election campaign ends. We strive to make the problem as broad as possible and irreplaceable in scope.

KJ: It turns out that Richard and I both choose yellow tokens when playing chess and card games, so we always compete for yellow tokens face to face. When you play Half True and Half False with your friends, please choose yellow. We think it will bring you luck. Tell them to send you.

Half true, half falseKickstarter is still used for those interested in supporting projects.