The Electronic Sports Professional League Will Be Listed At The Beginning Of 2020, Focusing On Mobile Games

E-sports is a fast developing industry. New stories seem to break out every month. Teenagers won the grand prize with their skillful skills in the game. With the improvement of e-sports marketization, more and more sports venues are open, and the sport is promoted to a wider range of fields. With the rise of e-sports professional league at the beginning of next year, a new league is coming. The league plans to expand the electronic sports culture to the field of mobile games.

The sports professional league plan is not just a competition platform. ESPL’s plan is to become a new e-sports network. ESPL network will be a very open and interactive form, providing an access ecosystem to brands, players, teams and media. Although relying on social interaction to a large extent seems like a risky gamble, ESPL provides something that makes the platform very attractive. This is you, fans, who can become an ESPL player.

ESPL provides a way for fans to become “from bedroom to champion” participants by combining online games and live games from 16 countries. Not many sports leagues can provide such high-level fan interaction. With the development of e-sports, all people who love video games naturally think they can decipher it, so the competition will certainly be as fierce as rich. From this information alone, it is easy to see that ESPL will become a hive of players competing for professional opportunities.

although mobile may be the main platform for new cooperation, there are also opportunities to hold PC based and console based activities. However, it has not been announced what specific games will be played in the just started e-sports league. With the first season broadcast from February 2020 to December 2020, more information is expected to be released successively. The official website of the sports professional league will become the news source of the latest league.