VELONE To Be Launched In 2022

Games are a lot of things. Our favorite hobbies are fun, craziness and blood. We always waver between great frustration and the warmth and vagueness after success. Games(for most of us) are rarely relaxing. In fact, games are probably the most relaxing form of Zen skydiving, second only to the one without parachutes. Obviously, Zar21 is a cold company that many of us need.velvetWe will definitely watch the game today.

velvetThis is the original automated game released by Darlic Entertainment, which is scheduled to be listed next year. This topic is inspired by the classicalOpus MagnumYou can see that you are building and programming hydraulic mechanisms in order to collect and deploy valuable hydraulic mechanisms.Nylon watchStone, restore the power of civilization in danger. The civilization we are talking about is the civilization on this nameless planetBillonAfter the collision with the asteroid, this alien race with him as its hometown is in extreme dangerNylon watchOverall energy supply. The planet is facing a crisis of death from this disaster. Saving it is obviously your job.

velvetThis is a game. In order to solve mechanical problems, we need to use logical thinking to find creative methods for programming.Verone dollExceed the level. If everything goes well, you will enjoy the busyness you get when your building perfectly executes your plan and everything returns to its original position in a smooth sense of movement. You can also gain knowledge about the Earth.Nylon watchWhen you finish all the tasks. If you do well, you will know the world’s population, society, climate, technology, etc.

So, where does the relaxation of the game work? I heard you ask. First, mysteries can be solved in countless ways. This means that you won’t bump your head against the keyboard in frustration, because you can’t exceed the level you insist on.velvetIn fact, your perfect solution will satisfy you. And you’re kind-hearted in the box. You still have 40 levels to play. In this way, you will have a lot of work to do, and your money will have a considerable return.

velvetIt will appear on the computer screen next year, but if you want to watch it during this period, you can watch the game here for the first time. There is also a trailer, there is no reason not to push this at the bottom of the page, dampening the well-known whistle. All right, let’s go!